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Hey folks, looking for some help on making our Facebook ads more effective. We work in a small geography (~35 mile radius of our hub) but are getting leads from far outside of that range. My guess at this point is it's because some people are sharing our ad, then Facebook is targeting other users in that area due to leads coming in from that share.

One thought we had was that we could link our CRM (Pipedrive) to Facebook and start training the algorithm to look for users like those who convert to deals (vs. those who remain leads). Those deals would basically be what we'd call qualified leads.

If that sounds like a reasonable path forward, then the "how" becomes what I'm struggling with. We currently use FB ads to direct to an Unbounce landing page, which has a FB pixel on the "thank you" page after they submit contact info. This is what Facebook is currently trying to maximize. Is there a good way to have that tracking further down our funnel by having a lead ID pass through from Facebook to Unbounce to Pipedrive? We use Zapier already to create Pipedrive leads, but I'm not seeing a way to pull an ID from Facebook, which I assume we'd need in order to later let Facebook match our qualified leads to the users that were targeted.

Any ideas to get closer leads would be tremendously appreciated, even if they're not exactly what I asked for. 

Hey @hollyatwork

It's hard to provide feedback without first checking your setup. If you're comfortable, feel free to let me know, and I can take a look.


Hi @hollyatwork

You have a few options to make all of this work: 

1/ You can export your “Won” leads (or whatever your naming convention is) and upload them to FB/Meta as Custom Audiences. After that you can use the Custom Audience in a variety of ways to target lookalike audiences. 
1.1/ After your initial upload, you can still use Zapier to “sync” new deals to FB so you don’t have to manually update your Custom Audiences. 

2/ Facebook Conversion API - this would be your new best friend. Again you can use Zapier to fire back data at Facebook through CAPI. Essentially telling Facebook that “this” particular deal is the lead/conversion event I want you to optimize against. 

There are plenty of guides and YouTube videos that will show you how to setup CAPI and some of the other pieces. 

3/ Last but not least - Facebook Offline conversions. Again you can use Zapier to send offline events (like Pipedrive deal stage) back to Facebook. 

These should point you in the right direction. 
