[How To] Add Tabbed Sections

  • 16 February 2017
  • 63 replies

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63 replies

Do they have an updated animation for this? I also prefer no animation at all or something updated than this.

Same. Would love just a fade in/out…


I want to use the text instead of buttons. When I tried with the text, it shows the last container. Please help me with this. My hand is tight in JavaScript. Thank You

Hi, @Noah . Thanks for this. Tried applying this to the FAQ section of my landing page. I put all the questions of the buttons and answers on the box. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to customize it in a way that all answers will be hidden until a visitor get clicked on the button.

Currently, all answers are displayed right after the page loads.

I want people to click one the questions to get the answer.

Hoping for your help or anyone in the community.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Oops! I was able to do this by adding

after #42


I need to put this tabbed section in more than one section of my page. Has anyone been able to do that yet?

Does anyone know how to make the button in the tabbed section the main one that shows first when the page loads? Right now I have it where the end button on my navigation bar is the one that shows up first as the main active button in the nav bar but I want to have the first button in my nav bar show up as the active button when the page loads. Here’s a page to show you what I’m talking about: https://ad.bintheredumpthatusa.com/greensboro/
It’s showing the 4 yard bin button first when I want the 20 yard bin button to show as the active button first when the page loads. Any help is much appreciated!

Thank you!

Thanks, this helped clarify a couple things for me that weren’t detailed in the instructions.

@Noah thank you for this!

I’ve managed to make it load randomly if anyone is interested. You’ll have to remove the last line in the provided jQuery

//onload, make first button active

//------------- RANDOMISER -------
var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);

//Replce “.tab-button” with your button custom class
var $a = $(".tab-button");
$a.eq(random % $a.length).addClass(“active”);

//------------- TRIGGER CLICK FUNCTION -------
$( document ).ready(function() {



How i can use this tab twice on one page?


How i can use this tab twice on one page?


Is there a way to auto adjust section(lp-pom-block)  height accordint to tab content?
