Creating a dynamically populated field in the Unbounce Form

  • 23 January 2020
  • 1 reply

We have 90 or so pages that promote a selection of products - and our Unbounce Request For Information Form has to be modified. We are looking at several transitions this year so I am looking for the best solution to update this field. We didn’t use an embedded RFI (Custom HTML) as we wanted to ensure the designer could control the look of the form. I found a script to fetch the select options from a json output and it works. Does anyone see any issues with this solution?? This is an example of what we are doing:

Many thanks

1 reply

Badge +1

I dont see any issues with that. But if you are doing it for addresses like shown in your link, its probably better to use the Google Autocomplete API. I am assuming you’re populating it for your products, in which case you just have to make sure that your product list is updated going forward.
