Can I use an Unbounce page as my Wordpress home page, but still have normal wordpress pages on my site?

  • 21 December 2015
  • 4 replies

Love Unbounce, want to use it to redesign our home page at

We are getting Wordpress and still want to have normal workdpress features, so we don’t want Unbounce to take over our entire domain.

Can this be done?

4 replies

Thanks for the love Scott!

With Unbounce’s WordPress Integration you can still run your site through WordPress and use all of their functionality. The Plugin doesn’t replace any of it.

Once you connect Unbounce & WordPress, you just tell Unbounce where you’d like your page published (in this case, to your root domain as your homepage) and Unbounce will take care of it. It doesn’t replace any of WordPress’s features.

Check out the Unbounce WordPress Integration announcement where you can find a link to the plugin and the documentation to get started.

Give it a shot and let us know how it goes.

quick question…
What would happen if my Wordpress homepage was created with the unbounce plug-in, then I upload the demo content from a theme im using?
Will the Unbounce page still remain or will the demo content take over the home page?

The instructions state…

You can either start building your site from scratch, or import one of our demo sites and then modify it to fit your needs. We will now explain how to perform the import process.
First, you must clear all available data which you created before (posts, pages, menu and widgets) and make sure you activated Slz Core plugin then do the following one of two ways:

  1. One Click Importer: Please go to Admin Panel → Theme options → Demo Inporter. Click “Import Demo” button and wait for a while. When progress go too long ( > 15 mins ), please try to refresh page and re-import.
  2. XML Importer: Use other tools in download package, please read “Demo-content / readme.txt”
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Hey @Wanderlust_World,

Usually the Unbounce page would overwrite anything that resides at the published destination.

Why do you need to upload demo content for a WP theme if you’ll be using Unbounce for your page/site?


I just created a page on unbounce real quick, only as a placeholder. Now i
want to build my site strictly with wordpress. Unbounce just for lead gen.
