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Hi there! 👋 I’m Johnny and I work as a developer in test here at Unbounce! I focus primarily on the customer portal of our web application. If you ever have any questions, thoughts or concerns don’t hesitate to hit me up!

Now for the good stuff!

We are happy to announce that users can now force https on all of their domains (on the client level) with the flick of a switch!


Turning this on will force all domains (including SSL-secured domains) in this client to use “https," meaning your visitors will always be redirected to “https” even if they specify “http."

Why would I want to force https on my domains?

It shows your visitors that you are both secure and security aware!

Okay that sounds great, so why would you even give the option to NOT force https?

Some pages may contain content that is not secured by https, this can cause a Mixed Media Content Warning which could potentially cause the page to not load as expected.

To learn more about keeping your landing page secure, check out our TLS/SSL documentation here.

So there you have it! Check out the domains section of your account and try it out for yourself. I’m here to answer any and all questions you may have.

Your friendly neighbourhood Unbouncer :spinbounce:


Thank you @Johnny_Murphy! Was just looking up a script to achieve the same last week, so this is a nice addition 👍🏽

Brilliant. We’ve been waiting for this.

Thank you.

You’ll find it under Domains 😉

That’s great !

I’ve asked this feature from the support team a few days ago, so the timing is perfect !


Hi, Where is this button? I cant find it
