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Hello fellow Unbouncians! Recently have a new campaign up and running.

I was hoping I could get some constructive and actionable analysis from the expert community.


Please can you review my landing page:


Thank you in advance for your help

Hey ​@LukeC27!

I just checked your page and noticed a few areas that could be improved to boost conversions. First, I saw a form right before the footer. The form needs enhancement to make it more noticeable. You could add a box around the form to highlight it better. Additionally, consider adding a sticky navigation bar so users can easily access the form at any time while scrolling.

I also noticed the CTA button could use some improvement. Specifically, the button color should be more distinct to make it stand out.

Lastly, adding testimonials and trust logos would help build visitor trust and encourage them to fill out the form.

These changes will definitely improve your conversion rate.

If you need help implementing these changes, feel free to contact me on WhatsApp at +88 01706 000034 or email me at

