Looking for feedback on B2B landing page (PropTech Startup)

  • 5 November 2018
  • 6 replies

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve? Give as much detail as possible
We are trying to generate B2B leads on this page.
With Workero, you can add empty office space and/or unused desks to our app and rent them out. Freelancers, startups, remote workers etc. can rent a desk at your office.
On the one hand, the office owner can make money of - otherwise empty - office space, on the other hand, remote workers can work closer to home and can even work at companies that they’re interested in.

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?
PPC, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn

3: What is your conversion goal?
Form completions.
We’re at 0% right now (after 2 weeks). 3-5% would be great.

4: Provide a link to your published landing page / convertable:

6 replies

Looks much better!

You can check it out right now: https://join.workero.com/earn-money-sharing-your-office/

Planning to add an FAQ as well.


Anytime! Looking forward to see your revisions.

Thanks @icecoldmn & @marketyourcorp!
Your tips were very helpful.


I suggest finding out what the true benefits are to an office space owner. Call a few? Do some informational interviews?

My first reaction to the LP is that it is long. This is such a new concept, that I suggest using a lead magnet of some type. Have the prospect take baby steps.

Finally, I went to your website. You use the word “heros”. What does that mean. I wouldn’t use any slang or made up terms.

I love the idea of your business. Love it!

If it were me I would A/B test a version that utilizes your space better with a wider full width image or even parallax image, I think showing the pies photo doesn’t apply as it seems like a retail store. Maybe show happy office people as opposed to the “listing view” one might see when using your app or service. You are using a ton of real estate with a tall top black banner and your font is also really big. If you tighten that all up you could get some better above the fold content showing. Maybe a version with a phone number if you are accepting calls as leads. Also maybe “Why would YOU share YOUR office space” messaging might be focused on the prospect better. Also maybe try a different button color, they are getting a little lost in the everything is yellow look"
