Landing Page Not Converting? Any suggestions?

  • 28 January 2017
  • 5 replies
  • 1 view

Hello everyone! Thanks in advance for your time.

I recently started running a Facebook campaign with the following landing page. I’m new to to building pages, only 5 so far, but I thought the most recent was my best effort yet. Unfortunately it does not appear to be converting.

I’m starting with a low budget of $10 a day. So far I recieved 62 FBclicks, 32 clicks to landing page (FB calls these conversions) but 0 lead captures in Unbounce. My click through rate is 3% which seems low? so roughly 1000 views.

Here is my page.

Any suggestions? I thought there is good trust, a good offer and I highly targeted audience in FB? I was expecting better results. I have a high LTV so cost is not the issue I more concerned with lack of engagement.

I have Hotjar installed so I’m seeing the browsing behavior but I’m just not seeing conversions.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for any feedback,

5 replies


Good analysis. My first thought when I hit the page was: Who is this for - parents or sitters or both - I’m not sure - I’m confused. But, agree the background images are excellent.

Awesome feedback here from @Stefano + @digibomb, plus I love the video breakdown @Nicholas! Super easy to follow and understand. :spinbounce:

Userlevel 6
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Hey @Chris_Franklin I gave some suggestions and feedback on your other thread.

Userlevel 7
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Hey Chris!

I would love to comment on the PPC (traffic) aspect of your campaigns.

Is there a reason why you chose Facebook as opposed to google/bing search?

Click-through-rate on Facebook is notoriously low. Why? Because visitors on social demonstrate low-intent. Typically they are scrolling through their Facebook feed and may/may not decide to click on your ad based on how curious they are. These visitors are not actively looking for your services, so you’ll likely suffer from a low CTR. 3% is actually not bad for a Facebook campaign.

Advertising on search generally generates higher CTRs and overall higher conversions. Why? These people are actively looking for your offering so their intent is laval hot.

Let me know if you have any questions in regards to buying traffic, I would be happy to help!

Userlevel 7
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Hey Chris,

I made a short video with some feedback for your page. Let me know if you have any questions!

You can check it out HERE.
