Landing page feedback

  • 10 December 2017
  • 7 replies

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve? Give as much detail as possible
please give me as much feedback as possible on the design and on the copywriting and also what should be the first thing I should test for AB testing thanks in advance

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?

Google ad words

3: What is your conversion goal?

Two call me

4: Provide a link to your published landing page / convertable:

7 replies

Keep the privacy policy links, but make them small and as good as hidden from view (like use light fonts).

Good morning thanks for the feedback. I did it not for the customer for
Google Google likes when you have a privacy policy and terms of service and
contact us on the landing page


I would definitely remove the links from the footer as this takes people away from your landing page to your website. From there, there are too many choices that take away from what you are paying for that traffic to do.

Thanks for your reply here is the link to the resource I used

Dept vs. debt. in the second dropbown.

Did you custom code the two-part form? Any resources I can look at the create something similar?


Thanks for your reply please tell me the spelling mistakes I don’t see it
thanks in advance Jacob

Hi Jacob,

A nice landing page there and I like your layout and the way you’ve set it all up. You have a video (along with video testimonials) and that’s awesome too. Your form is a multi-step form, and that’s cool.

  1. Please correct this spelling mistake:

and this one (within the form field)

2. A/B Testing Suggestions:

The headline
The Subheading
A landing page version with the video and a version without.

  1. If I were you, I’d add a little more context to the landing page. Right below the hero section (where the video and the form is), I’d add another section that explains a little more on "how you actually retrive the negative items on my credit report"

Also, a little more on a few more features of your service.

Best wishes

