Landing page Feedback for Mobile App dev company

  • 13 October 2018
  • 2 replies

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve? Give as much detail as possible
We provide mobile strategy, design and development services for startups and large enterprise clients. We believe people who search for local development partners value in-person meetings and local work.**
This page is designed to capture leads for those looking for mobile app development services from a Los Angeles based team. With this page we want to communicate:

  1. We are Local
    Emphasize that we are local and the benefits we as a local shop provide our LA clients.

  2. What We Do:
    We are a premium full service mobile studio (strategy, design development).

  3. Expertise:
    We are 100% onshore and work is never subcontracted out.
    We have 10 years of mobile app design and development experience.
    We only hire the top 10% of developers, strategists and designers.

  4. Trust:
    We have an impressive list of startup and corporate clients.
    Our clients provide glowing recommendations and want to work with us again.

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?
Google AdWords, Bing Ads and retargeting ads will drive traffic to these pages based on targeted keyword**

3: What is your conversion goal?
Hand raisers or phone calls

4: Provide a link to your published landing page / convertable:

2 replies

Thank you, Kyle, for your honest feedback! We know since this is our first iteration there will be parts that need work, and your perspective is invaluable to us. I’m taking all your points back to the team to discuss further and make an updated round soon.

Userlevel 5

Hi @Carissa_Sinclair

My first reaction is that this is pretty boring. I’m in the mobile app industry and at this point I’m used to being wowed by beautiful design (example I came across yesterday).

If I were looking to find a dev team, it would take some rock-solid convincing and your page’s imagery and text is about as solid as a rotten banana.

1.) The headline is just descriptive 👎
It should tell me why I should choose you. “Your new best friends, building your best mobile experience.” or, “The mobile LA team that is better than the Lakers.” Those are just playful examples. But do you see what I mean? Write something that convinces me. I love the design of your current headline but it belongs below the fold, after I’m interested in what you do.

2.) The form is asks a lot. You might see more conversions with less fields. Only include what you NEED, and make that last question options to pick from instead of typing stuff in.

3.) I would like to see different imagery. More “forward/in-motion” type of mobile stuff. People on their phones by cars, in a bus, on-the-go.

4.) Maybe divide up the “Our Formula” section into topics. I thought what I would be reading is a step-by-step process. But it doesn’t seem to be that. Also, a 12 week concept to app store sounds like something I would want to highlight a bit better. There are just things in that section that get lost, but they could be juicy details for users to read and could really help them convert.

Those are my thoughts, I hope it’s helpful!
