Landing Page Feedback (1st Page)

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve?
I’m trying to increase my conversion rate.

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?
Through Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

3: What is your conversion goal?
My conversion goal is to try to get potential clients to provide information in exchange for a free e-book.

4: Provide a link to your published landing page / convertable:

5 replies

PS @Aselbe10, Here’s some instructions on how to add a smooth scroll from a CTA above the fold to a form / any element further down the page:

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thanks Jim!

I’m always impressed by the thoroughness and helpfulness of your videos, Nicholas! Great job!

I would second all the things that he said in the video.

I see that you’re updating the page as we type, @Aselbe10, and it looks better already!

All the best,


Thanks for all of the feedback. Much appreciated and will be implementing many of the suggestions.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi Anthony, welcome to the community! Here’s a video with some feedback for you:

