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1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve?

Conversion rate and page traffic

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?

Social media and email

3: What is your conversion goal?

Download the data sheet. Twenty downloads total.

4: Provide a link to your published landing page / convertable:

Regarding conversions:

#1 I would recommend moving your lead capture form to the bottom. You haven’t given enough information to justify requesting information that early on the landing page.

In the great print ads by David Ogilvy, John Caples, and countless other advertising titans, you’ll notice that the lead capture form is always at the END of the ad.

I’m guessing most users just skip over your lead capture form, which then makes it a waste and an impediment to your purpose of getting the customer interested enough to request information.

#2: I see only 2 benefits of your device listed on your page.

  1. Wide view allowing for larger barcode scans and

  2. Small footprint and some wire routing and mounting benefits for tight spaces.

That seems sparse. Are those really the core problems customers are trying to solve? Are those your only benefits? It sounds half-hearted to me.

In such a technical space, I would think that you must have 5, 6 7, … 10 or 15 other advantages and benefits.

This copy needs more measurable facts about why clients are making a mistake if they don’t consider your device.

At the moment, I’m not even in the industry and I’m left feeling that this information is insufficient to get me excited about this device.

I would suggest poring over customer testimonials or complaints regarding this or similar devices and use what you find, along with technical information about your company and device, to build a MUCH stronger, factual, case for why your device is a MUST consider for whoever is in charge of making the purchasing decision.

I’m guessing that for similar reasons traffic is also low.

Thank you for the feedback, Ayo! I agree with the point regarding the form; however, my manager does not. Haha.

I’ll have to dig back into the tech specs and features/benefits to see if I missed something. As odd as it sounds, the two listed features/benefits are really what differentiates this product from our competitors, but I’m sure I can beef up the page copy overall.

Thanks again. I really appreciate the feedback. Have a great week!

Hi Andrew, here’s a short video with some feedback for you:


Thank you, Nicholas! Great advice as always. We always have a tough time getting hospitals to agree to a testimonial, but I like what you said about not getting too specific and saying “Top fortune 500 companies” or, in this case, “Top hospitals in the nation.” I’ll take your feedback and apply it to the page. You’ll be hearing from me again soon!

In addition to the other feedback you have gotten, I have one change I recommend.

“Get the technical specs here” is weak for me. That line is above the form which is a crucial place to finally convince a user to convert. I would do it if I wanted to get technical, but it might be more helpful for the user to word it like…

“Get the PDF to learn more uses & features!”

“Get the specs to see if it fits your needs!”

I just felt like I need more convincing that the technical sheet will tell me what I need to know.

Thanks, Kyle! Good stuff. I’ll play with the wording a bit and create something stronger.
