Feedback on Nudge landing page - AI based reminder to take photos

  • 26 April 2020
  • 1 reply

1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve?
I always forget to take pictures when I’m doing fun stuff.

2: How are you driving traffic to your page?
Manual outreach on forums like this

3: What is your conversion goal?
Early access sign-ups

4: Paste a link to your published landing page / popup: 👇

1 reply

Userlevel 5

Welcome to the community.

It’s not a bad page. It’s a nice clean design. I like that there is plenty of while space and everything flows pretty well.

I think the biggest area where you can see improvement is in the copy.

Let’s start with the headline. It’s not bad. I like that you lead with a benefit rather than a generic description of what the product is. But it could be even stronger. Forgetting to take a picture can be frustrating in the moment, but I’m not sure how many people see it as an issue once that moment has passed. Also, forget has the connotation it’s for people who mean to take pictures, but it I don’t think the benefit is limited to that.

One exercise that can refine your messaging is the “so what” technique. Keep asking yourself “so what” to get to the core pain point or benefit. So for your headline, “Never forget to take a picture again,” the so what is something like you’ll capture your memories or you’ll never lose those moments in time again. Notice how that has more emotional impact?

Some of your supporting sentences are a bit long and boring. Take the lead in to the CTA in the hero section. Try to make the writing punchier. Limit how many things you’re trying to communicate in a single sentence.

The descriptions down by the icons could be vague and not user-focused enough. I don’t know that machine learning means anything to the average user, and there isn’t enough explanation about how it that leads to continuous improvement to make the statement impactful.

The sentence under subtle and minimal is pure puffery. Don’t overstate things. Show how it’s elegant/subtle/whatever and let the user come to the conclusion on his own.

Hopefully that helps. Best of luck!
