1: What challenge are you currently trying to solve?
I have a very low conversion rate at 4%—at best. The 4% includes garbage leads so really I’m at around 2%.
2: How are you driving traffic to your page?
Google Ads and Facebook. The Google traffic should be pretty straight forward. The users are searching for “DUI attorney” and I’m restricting that to a city. They literally click on an ad that says, “Got a DUI? I’m your guy.” If they are visiting the page, the intent should be there.
I tried running Facebook ads to an advertorial that pushed to a landing page but now the Facebook ads are simply DR ads that click through directly to the landing page. The messaging in those ads is also very right-to-the-point. Those ads are also geo-fenced.
3: What is your conversion goal?
At this point any incremental improvement is welcome. My question is what do you think the conversion rate is on this example? https://landing.theladuiattorney.com/getstarted/ (used as an example in other feedback videos I’ve seen. )
My client has been a criminal prosecutor and later a defense attorney so he doesn’t have thousands of DUI cases to tout. He’s just getting started in this vertical. I did like the little video on that page and could do something similar.
4: Provide a link to your published landing page/convertible:
Thanks for your feedback 🙂