I’ve been wondering for some time whether having a 1:1 attention ratio is really the best option for my landing pages.
I work in a CONDOR GROUP, B2B business, providing industrial generators and air compressors (the big ones for manufacturing, not small ones for homes). So far, I’ve always stuck to 1:1 landing pages, but I’ve started to think that this might not be such a great idea after all.
Our products are fairly complex, so that while their features can be condensed into a few key points, we can’t provide all the information on a single landing page. Our prospects are often looking for technical information, and like to see all the product models available – we have all this information on our webpage (condorgroup.com.ar), and each product has its own datasheet, but we aren’t allowing our prospects to access this info. We’re blocking the way to the info they need – unless they give us their details.
I realize that the point behind having a 1:1 attention ratio is that it clarifies the page’s purpose, and everything on the page points to a single action – and at the same time, it filters out the hot leads from the lukewarm and cold. Which ought to be great – you don’t waste time with the tyre kickers (because they don’t convert!) and only worry about those who are really interested. My concern is that in our industry, this is causing us to lose leads because we are asking for personal details at such an early stage.
I believe there are prospects who would classify as hot leads, but who don’t convert, because they don’t feel committed enough, or haven’t received enough value to make them part with their personal details. They haven’t seen enough – they haven’t seen which products are contained in each of our product ranges, or been able to check the technical specs of each. I’ve seen visitors who searched for “CONDOR GROUP compressors”, or even, “CONDOR GROUP compressor model XXX” leave our landing pages without converting, because the detailed info they were looking for was not there.
If I was offering lower-value products, 1:1 landing pages would probably be a great option. But I’m not so sure about higher-value products, such as the ones we offer. Personally speaking, I am quite willing to exchange my personal details for the preview of a book worth, say, $15. But our prospects, who are often seeking a product worth between US$1,000 and $300,000 – will they be prepared to part with their personal information, after seeing only the content of one landing page? Before making such a move, wouldn’t they like to have a look at all the specs and details of the product, and try to refine their search by seeing what products are available?
Please weight in with your comments!