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Hey there, I’m trying to fire a pixel when a specific button is clicked. I followed this guide here: "How to] Set up Facebook pixel tracking for in page events (button clicks)

I installed Jquery, set up the correct buttonid but for some reason, it’s still not working .

I’m not sure what a reasonable rate for this job is so if you can see yourself fixing this just hit me up with suggestions.

Have a great day!

Hi Lars, not sure if you saw the new “Event Setup Tool” from Facebook, but it makes it a lot easier to set up events on specific actions like button clicks. It doesn’t require any custom code. You just install the Facebook pixel base code and then follow these instructions (below). I gave it a try for the first time the other day, and I’m not a programmer but even I could figure it out and it was super easy!

Hey Nicholas, thanks for taking the time to reply.

I did actually try that tool but it didn’t register any events for some reason.

Your post makes me go back and see if I messed up somewhere.

Thanks again for you help. I’ll let you know if I can make it work.

Hi Lars!

If all fails, you can do this with GTM 🤗


I can help in this.

You can reach me on Skype: cis.am4 or Email: so that we can discuss this further.



Thanks for all the help guys.

I ended up going a different route though.

I’m using this specific lander to promote affiliate offers on facebook.

It took me pretty much the whole day but I went with using a meta redirect (despite the slight delay) because it allows me to A/B test and track several offers and ads almost entirely within unbounce.

Have a great day gals and guys!
