This Marketer Turned Cookie-Cutter Landing Pages Into 120,000+ Leads: Find Out How

Userlevel 3
  • Manager, Customer Marketing @ Unbounce
  • 2 replies

Lookin’ for some landing page inspiration? Do we have a story for you! 🤩

Meet Christian Krohn, founder of Patient Clicks, a marketing agency that serves independent paramedical clinics, including physiotherapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic care. 

A firm advocate for creating relevant marketing experiences, his landing page strategies has raked in over 120 000 leads. (Amazing, right?!)

Wanna try out Christian’s strategy yourself? Read his story + get his 3-step guide:


P.S. Got a story you’d like to share with us about your Unbounce experience? Wanna be featured in a case study? Reply to this post and I’ll be in touch!

4 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Love the case study and the approach! 😍


What I’d love to hear more about, though, is the thinking behind determining the hypotheses for the initial different LPs (which is where I spend most of my time) - especially the visually different vs different messaging part.



Userlevel 3

@Ekaterina_Howard It’s pretty awesome, right?! What makes Smart Traffic such a great tool, is that you can play around with visuals (stock photos vs. real photos), messages, CTAs, button colors—everything! So in the end the *hypothesis* doesn’t matter as much, which is definitely a different way of thinking, especially for us marketers. 😉 I’d love to hear your thoughts if you experiment with Smart Traffic to hear what you find works for you!

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

That certainly is different. My next question would be about traffic volume - if you’re testing everything, the traffic volume would have to be pretty big, correct?

Userlevel 3

@Ekaterina_Howard that’s actually the fun part—Smart Traffic works with as little as 50 site visits! Traditional testing needs time and statistical significance, which is why it can be a super slow process. Smart Traffic, is instead an optimizing tool rather than a formal testing tool. In the example above, Christian uses the tool in a way to act as a guiding light, which works for him since he speaks to such a niche audience. In most cases, Smart Traffic is rather a way to speak to the multitude of needs of your audience, since it sends visitors to the variant where they’re most likely to convert. 

The old-school way of thinking is that either option A, or option B is correct. This way of thinking brings relevance into the game—some visitors want option A, others want option B—there’s no bad option when people get what they want/like, right? 😄
