Hi everyone,
We’re in the IT industry. When a lead comes in, we suggest him to book a free demo of our software, followed by a free trial.
We’re currently running PPC campaigns and for that designed a ‘get a free demo’ landing page, but it didn’t convert much (15%) and no one ended up doing the demo after all. On the other hand, we tested a ‘Get a free trial’ landing page and it did convert better (23-25%), but the problem is we don’t want our lead to access the software without a demo for we know that he’ll have a much better experience with the software if he has a demo prior to his trial, and therefore he will be more likely to convert to a real client.
So I was wondering if there was best practices out there for designing a ‘get a demo’ LP, or any opinion/advice/experiences…related to that?
Thank you a lot.