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What does Unbounce do to improve page score?

Hey @Jasiya, great question 💡

I’m going to move this topic into the #getting-started category because I think this will be handy for folks who are looking for a quick way to up their LP game. I should also disclaim that this is more around what you can do to improve your landing page experience, rather that Unbounce improving it (but we definitely give you the tools to do so!).

There are a few things you can do to improve your landing page experience. First, I’m assuming that you’re you’re referring to your Google ads when you say “score”, correct me if I’m wrong!

Here’s a checklist to consider:

1. Make sure your messages match 👯‍♀️

If you are advertising on Google, make sure the keywords that you use and your offer is aligned with the offer on your landing page! You’d be surprised at how often this can get mixed up, especially when you’re A/B testing. Be specific, make sure your landing page has one clear CTA that a visitor can identify within 5 seconds of landing on your page.

2. Make sure your page is trustworthy.

User testimonials are a big one here, if it’s a product that you’re selling for example, try and use real customer feedback to show the benefit that they’ve seen. Another quick win is adding a favicon to your landing page to help authenticate your landing page. And make sure that you’ve clearly explained the product/service before asking your audience to fill out a form.

3. Optimize your page for all devices.

Make sure that your landing page will provide a good experience for your visitors who are coming from a mobile device.

4. Make sure your page loads quickly

There are a few things to consider here. Large image files and many custom scripts can slow your landing page. Check out this post for more information on how to speed up your load time.

You can also use this link to test the speed of your page:

Hope that helps for now! Let me know if you have any questions 🙂


Continuing the discussion from What does Unbounce do to improve landing page score?:

Hi Jess,

Thank you for that insightful information, but I’m more focussed to know how Unbounce helps to improve LP score or what features Unbounce has to help do it or what tools we can integrate to Unbounce that can help better landing page experience.



Hey @Jess,

Thank you for that insightful information, but I’m more focussed to know how Unbounce helps to improve LP score or what features Unbounce has to help do it or what tools we can integrate to Unbounce that can help better landing page experience.



Hey @Jasiya,

The LP score portion of the QS is dependant on visitor experience and their likelihood of developing a positive association with your brand. This is were you as a marketer can shine and get those conversions based on your copy and the advice @Jess shared with you.

How can Unbounce contribute?

  1. Speed- Check this link on how Unbounce does that for mobile and desktop pages

  2. Mobile and Desktop editing- Create the best experience by editing desktop and mobile versions of you Landig Page independently.

  3. DTR- allows you to replace the text with keyword searches both in your LP content and metadata.

  4. Optimization- Our builder allows you to create multiple variants with little effort for you to test. If you pick the right plan, you’ll have access to Smart Traffic and an AI-powered testing tool that sends traffic to the variant they are more likely to convert.
