Unusual white sticky bar on header

  • 9 August 2021
  • 2 replies

How can I go about removing the unusual blank header popping up on my landing page header website: http://unbouncepages.com/it-engineering/

2 replies

Thanks for your response David,I’m glad receiving a message from you. As no problem has been specified until now. But that was how I programmed it so as to have a different navigation bar on scroll. Perhaps I’m not just setting it right and I don’t mind your absolute interference Dave. Can we go on a G-meet call please, so as to explain the way I want the header to look like. I’d love to hear from you again.

Just from inspecting your code, it seems like you have a background color associated with a ‘box’ element. I’m not sure how comfortable you are at looking at the inspector, but here take a look:

Now, without actually going into your account and seeing everything, I won’t be able to direct you
too much, but look at the box your nav is in, and check to see if there is a background color associated with it.

Worse-case scenario, here’s some CSS to solve your issue.

#lp-pom-box-264 {
    background: none;

Hope this helps.
