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First, is there a better/easier way to add stripe to unbounce?

Trying to add a Stripe payment button to their code. I want to use an image uploaded to the library. Stripe code is for a text button instead of a ‘pay with stripe’ image. How would this be coded to use the unbounce library image URL?

Here’s stripes code:


Hi @DigitalHeroesTV,

You’ll need to write a bit of a custom script to get the whole thing working.

Your script will basically have to init the Stripe widget upon a press/tap.

However, you also need a backend script to actually authenticate with Stripe and process the charge.



Hey @DigitalHeroesTV,

The Stripe code is missing from your post so it’s hard to help with that integration. Are you using Stripe Checkout? You will need a backend service to actually make the charge with that.

Regarding your first question: I run a service that makes it really easy to take Stripe payments on Unbounce websites, either via embedding a checkout form or by adding a payment button to your site. There are a couple of Unbounce customers that are using our service right now. You can create an account on It should be straight forward to set up but I’m happy to help if we’ve left some steps unclear.


