TIMED ELEMENTS: I can't find a timed element option. Are your going to add this so I can have buy now button show up after 2 minutes

TIMED ELEMENTS: I can’t find a timed element option. Are your going to add this so I can, for example, have buy now button show up after 2 minutes. VERY IMPORTANT

6 replies

Seriously, how is this a thing 4 and 6 years later. You guys are meant to be one of the top landing page builders and this is 101 of a sales page. I have tried every piece of code I can find int he forums. It’s bad enough it’s not in built but even worse there isn’t easy documentation to make this happen.

It’s been 4 YERARS now. This is BASIC feature on Kartra, Clickfunnels, Optimizepress… I’ve been in touch with support, we can get with hidding single elements… but not a whole section.

This is BASIC, BASIC BASIC feature for a Sales page… One more time I’ll stay here for the pages I already have but still use a 3rd party for my sales page.

Userlevel 3

Hi Maury! 

Although we don’t have this type of timers built in because in some cases they can affect the conversions negatively, it is certainly possible to achieve with a bit of javascript and CSS magic.

All you need to add to the page to make an element appear using a timer is here: https://gist.github.com/victorzen/cd8d8d32915ac98362f36b745df19ea8

Please keep in mind this is a workaround and it’s not officially supported by unbounce, so we might not be able to help you troubleshoot if things don’t go smoothly, but if you feel comfortable adding code to your landing pages and would like to give it a try, please be my guest 🙂

Let me know if you have any feedback and have a great day!  


Hi Vic,

This doesn’t appear to work at all - is this still the best way to do timed elements? The CSS doesn’t seem to hide the element at all, and if I manually hide the element using the show/hide controls in the Unbounce page builder, the javascript doesn’t make it reappear. I know you don’t “support” custom code - but is there a reason I’m just not aware of that this wouldn’t work anymore?

Edit - I’m working with a section - this works with individual elements, but I’m trying to hide an entire section. Is there a reason I’m not aware of that would make this not work with a section?


Tip: it’s required to install a jQuery library for this code to function properly.

  1. Add a new Javascript

  2. Paste the code below

  3. Set the placement to ‘Head’

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

This will allow the timed elements Javascript file to function properly 😀

Source: https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_get_started.asp

I tried using this and the button is not showing up. Anyone able to help in getting the button to show up?
