Yes I have this and I hate it… and Im thinking of scrapping Unbounce and code my own convertables, and then just rely on Google Optimze for AB tests on the message.
In GA, I can report on the # of ‘conversions’ per stickybar and where the stickybar was clicked… but a the conversion event is just a click, and like you, I just want to know if the click led to a GA goal. But in my reports all goal results broken down by stickybar are 0, which is impossible.
I’ve tried a script UB supplied me to add to my website, but its not working yet,
Hi @Laura.Mazzon. The stickies and popups in Unbounce piggy-backs on the GA session for the page that it fires on - so no need to add the GA code on the sticky or popup itself.
In Unbounce, make sure you set it to fire GA events, and also append variant letter.
Instead of looking at sessions or users in GA, you should look to events.
Click on that and you will see the total number of views and conversions on the sticky/popup.
Now choose Event label as your primary dimension
Choose event action as your secondary dimension
And finally filter your view so you see only the sticky/popup you need to look at
And voila - you will see the data you need for your A/B test
Hope this helps 😊
Thanks but it doesn’t complete the solution.
Yep I can see the sticky bar in GA, and I can see how many events there were on that convertable, but just cos your sticky bar reckons a clicked button is a conversion goal… it isn’t. What’s important to us is what happens AFTER the click. <— does it result in a sale or an email capture on my site? I can’t tell.
In GA I can see the # of sticky bar conversion events, and the URL where the event occurred. So that’s good.
But I don’t get any data on how many completed goals were attributed to the sticky bars for that session. Which is weird because the sticky button click takes people to very popular ebook lead magnets… so the idea that not a single person in thousands of hits per week completes our subscribe box and arrives at the /thanks page… well it’s just impossible.
Maybe I’m approaching this wrong But I am thinking the problem is that the sticky bar lives on a 3rd party domain and it’s only appearing on my destination site as an iframe… and iframes are notoriously bad for breaking _ga sessions, especially in the current ‘KILL ALL COOKIES’ privacy era we live in. So I guess Google doesn’t see the person who clicks the sticky button as the same person who completes the goal.
Mel Dever
@Melissa_Dever i dont think the problem you elaborated is relevant to Unbounce. Its the way you set up your GA reports. I’d suggest following Fringe’s set up and then additionally creating a GA segment for sticky conversion event. You can then apply this segment on your goals report or any other report for that matter.