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We are trying to setup unbounce on a subdomain for our client. We are following the normal domain/cname instructions but so far it is not working.

When we add the cname record to the subdomain it shows up in DNS tools as follows. I am no DNS expert, but I hope the cname provided by unbounce is also working with subdomains too (client’s name/domain blacked out for NDA reasons):

When we visit the subdomain URL we get the following error:

From what I have found it seems like this issue is caused by the subdomains needing an SSL certificate. However we don’t want to approach the client with this request unless it’s certain. How can we be certain of what steps to take in order to resolve this? This is the closest information I found: 

However I want to be sure as any false request to the client will have a negative perception for our team.

My questions/request to them would be:

1. Our hypothesis is that the subdomains do not currently have an SSL cert causing unbounce’s cloudflare to block traffic.
2. How are SSL cert setup on the main domain? Is it a wildcard cert? 
3. Would it be possible to issue certs for both subdomains to resolve this?

Thank you,

FYI - we contacted support but still have not heard back and this is a blocker so we need to escalate it.


Thank you for reaching out with the details of your situation. Here's how we can proceed to resolve the issue:

  1. SSL Certificate Requirement: Your hypothesis is likely correct. Unbounce, through Cloudflare, requires SSL certificates for secure subdomain traffic. If the subdomains lack SSL certificates, this could indeed be causing the blocking issue.

  2. SSL Setup on Main Domain: To better understand your current SSL setup:

    • Do you know if the main domain uses a wildcard SSL certificate (e.g., *
    • If not, what is the current method for managing SSL certificates on the main domain?
  3. Issuing SSL Certificates for Subdomains: If the main domain does not use a wildcard SSL certificate, it would be beneficial to issue SSL certificates specifically for the subdomains. Here are a few steps to consider:

    • Verify if your hosting provider or SSL certificate provider supports wildcard certificates or individual certificates for subdomains.
    • If using Let's Encrypt, you can issue free certificates for each subdomain.
    • Ensure the DNS records for the subdomains are correctly pointing to the Unbounce CNAME.
  4. Escalation and Support: Since you have contacted support and are awaiting a response, it might be useful to gather all relevant information (such as DNS settings, SSL configurations, and error messages) to expedite their troubleshooting process once they respond.

As an immediate next step, you can confirm the type of SSL certificate used on the main domain and consider issuing SSL certificates for the subdomains. This should help in verifying whether SSL is indeed the root cause of the issue.

If you need further assistance with SSL certificate setup or have any additional questions, feel free to reach out.
