Salesforce Integration - Blank Company Field

  • 28 October 2015
  • 5 replies

I’m currently setting up our company’s integration with Salesforce.  In SF, we use person accounts and opportunities, as we are mainly B2C.  We have a trigger in place to automatically convert Unbounce leads as they are entered into SF.  However, the SF lead conversion process specifices that leads with a BLANK company are converted to Person Accounts and those with a company are converted to business accounts.

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how (or if it’s possible) to pass a blank value for Company to SF from Unbounce.  I’ve tried adding a hidden company field on my form with a blank default value and mapping that my SF company field, but I get an integration error unless there’s an actual default value provided.  And not mapping company at all produces an error as well.

Is it possible to do what I’m trying to do here?

5 replies

I have the same issue. this is what I did. Since I cannot fix it from unbounce side I did it over on the Salesforce Side. This is the summarize steps.

From Salesforce (Classic)>Customize>Create>Workflow Rules

  1. Create a new Workflow Rule
  • Object Lead
  • Evaluate the rule when a record is created
  1. Create a Workflow Actions within the Rule for Field Update
  • Select Company Field
  • Set it Blank or Null
  1. Activate the Workflow Rule

When you submit a lead from unbounce it will delete and set the Company Field to be null or blank, thus when you convert the lead it will Create a Persons Account.

This may not be a perfect solution but it is a workaround, you have to customize and tailor it based on your/organization needs.

I hope someone find this useful since this topic has been around since 2015.

Hi Jennifer, 
I feel like this might be something our Customer Success team might be able to help you with. I’m going to pass this over to them to see if they have some insights, but I’ll leave this up in the Community as well in case any other marketers know how to get this up and running. 
Hang tight and look out for an email from our team shortly. :) 

Anything new on this topic?
I’m facing the same problem here. Is there anyway of ignoring a value?
If I send a simple blank space, an error shows up. NULL and other values as default will be recognized as a valid company name.
Is there a workaround yet?

Earth to Unbounce, please help with this issue. Person Accounts in Salesforce can only be created if company is blank. Person Account is what we’re using to model Consumers, I assume this is common as Salesforce recommends this for B2C

Does anyone know if there is a solution from Unbounce for this? I am currently having the same issue.
