I wrote a script in the script manager which utilizes a recursive function to query the DOM until an outside form is loaded onto the page. I tested this and it works when I add it to a domain in the script editor. However, when I added the exact same script to the variant page, I realized that the recursive function is never called. This is pretty baffling and I can’t think of any reason why this wouldn’t work. Is there a reason a recursive function wouldn’t work on a variant script?
Here is the relevant bit of code:
function waitForEmailInput(tries = 0) {
if (tries === 100) return;
var emailInput = document.querySelector('ctype="email"]mname="email"]');
if (emailInput) {
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
// When I log the function here I see it in the console, but it is never called
waitForEmailInput(tries + 1)
}, 300);