Publish Google Sheet Cell Value on Landing Page

Is it possible to publish the cell value of a Google sheet on a landing page?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there!

Yes this is very possible with some development work.

There is also an incredible tool that makes this very easy, it is called AwesomeTable.

While it still requires some dev work to get it to look & feel how you want it, it certainly makes this much faster.

Here is a use case that we built.

Hey @Stefano
Did an example of this ever get posted? I can’t find anything on the forum that explains how to publish Google Sheet cells on an Unbounce page


Hi There, I would love to know the script. It would be great if this is possible.

I want that a value of a google sheet is visable in my unbounce landing page.

Would be great

There are two tabs on the Google sheet. The first tab sheet is a list of names and emails of the people who have signed the petition. New rows are added to this sheet as more people sign.
The second tab is just a single cell with a formula that counts the number of rows of data on the first sheet As more people sign, the number goes up. This is the cell of data that I want to embed onto the landing page.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Interesting question…

I know this is possible. We showcase customer testimonials on an unbounce page that is being pulled directly from a google sheet.

If you could provide some additional details, I am sure myself or @Hristian can help!
