Preview and Published Page Different - images not showing

  • 6 February 2020
  • 2 replies

Hey everyone,

I recently published a page and the published page doesn’t show any of my images…I’ve checked compression and resolution and all of that and uploaded several versions of the files and nothing seemed to work. I also noticed that when I “inspect” the code on the published page, it says the image is a .gif even though I only uploaded a png. Can someone let me know if there is a quick fix for this, I really need to publish my page today!

Thank you in advance!!

2 replies

Thanks I got in touch with the unbounce team and they figured it out

Hey @Katie_Luke!

giphy (6)

That’s really mysterious!

I think without seeing the page this might be a little tricky to troubleshoot. Would you per chance be able to get in touch with our support team?

If you could give us a shout at “” and share the e-mail address associated with your account and the name (or published URL) of the page you are having trouble with, we can do a deep dive into this and find out why those images are missing for you.

I am actually a part of that team myself - so I’ll keep an eye open for your message if someone hasn’t already helped you already!
