New click tracking in AdWords

  • 24 July 2018
  • 7 replies


Starting from 30 octobre 2018, Google will introduce the parallel mode of conversion tracking. They’ve published the article for the third party conversion tracking providers with the specs that they should have:

One of the requests is using HTTPS protocol. When using the domain, we are on HTTP.

Is Unbounce compliant with the new AdWords requests mentioned before?

Thank you,
Mariia Silchuk

7 replies

This is only a problem for tracking systems that rely on redirects. Kenshoo, Marin, Aquisio…

Unbounce landing pages are unaffected by this change. I have already deployed Google’s parallel tracking with no issues.

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

If you’re running Adwords, you should have your own domain (and therefore SSL) anyway.

*Note: Unbounce lets you publish pages to the ‘’ domain. This domain will be disallowed by Google so make sure to publish your landing pages to your own domain before submitting an ad to Google.

See this:

Hope that helps! 🙂

Hi Zoe, thank you for your time answering me! I thought the whole tool was connected to this domain, that is why I asked a silly question, thank you for explaining.

However, in their document, Google mentioned the whole system, so I was wondering if using Unbounce tool could influence the conversion count process. For example, if one integrates the conversion tracking with Google analytics or with AdWords conversion… Do you know anything about it?

@Phillip So if we use such tracking template {lpurl}?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign={campaignid}&utm_term={keyword}&utm_content={creative} for posting parameters to CRM via hidden fields in Unbounce forms our structure will not be affected because we don’t use any tracking tools with redirects and our template starts from {lpurl}?

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

No worries hun! I’m not sure exactly regarding the new parallel tracking they are rolling out – but maybe someone else here knows – @Jess any idea?

Userlevel 5

Ooooh interesting,

I’m sure the folks at Unbounce will be on top of it. But I may have some changes to make to my own sites 😱

Thanks for posting the question @sil4ushonok

I’m wondering how relevant this is. I later realized this is related to Google’s API. I’m not too sure if the same case will be used everywhere else. Although it is a much nicer way of tracking things 🙂

Thank for clearing up this issue Phillip!
