
Multiple choice drop-down menu



I would like to create a drop-down list where you can select multiple choices. A "Checkboxes" field but presented as a drop-down menu, like the custom field "Drop-down menu". 


The "Research Department(s) *" field in this form is what I want to do:


Furthermore, I used the default Unbounce form and I would like to avoid replacing it with a hard-coded form if possible, as I have already finished it and I have used a script proposed by one of the forum members: multi step form ( 


Here is the link to my page:


Thanks in advance for your help 🙂


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hello Loic,

I’m not sure there is an easy way to do it.

There might be a script somewhere in the community…

I would recommend to switch to a third party form maker but It looks like you are already far in the making of your form so maybe you could add two or three more “département” field (and have only the first one mandatory). or you could leaver a texte field where people write down the departements they want.

Also, there is a way to translate in french the error message :




Hi Julien, 

Yes I think there must be a script that can do this but unfortunately I haven't found it.


I also thought of using a third party form creator but everything is already online so it's too late. The idea of adding two or three fields is good but it would be better if I could do everything in one field. 


I'll wait a bit more and hope someone has a solution. 


Thanks for the translation of the error message into French, I didn't know the trick 🙂


Hi Loïc,

I wasn’t able to find anything in the Community or in our documentation that would allow you to set up the checkboxes as a drop down menu. 

I do see that you have the multi-step form already set up which I think may be a good way to hide the checkboxes in a similar fashion. Using the multi-step form you will be able to have your check-boxes hidden, so similar to the drop down menu they won’t be taking up as much space on your page until they visitor has made it to this point of the form. 

I know this isn’t exactly what you are looking for but it will allow you to leverage the scripts you have already installed on the form. 

I hope this helps! 


