Hello- I’m trying to use unbounce for the first page of my multi-page registration. It is multi so I can capture the essential fields on page 1, then try to get more information on page 2.
I post to my form processor which inserts the initial fields from the unbounce form into the database successfully.
When moving onto page 2, I’m not sure how to tie the two pages together so I can update that specific row with more information?
If I could modify http://assets.unbounce.com/m/lp-webap…, then I could pass a identifying parameter into the section:
case ‘url’:
window.location.href = window.module.lp.form.data.confirmData;
Alternatively, I’ve tried creating a php session with my form processor as well, but this did not seem to work.
Should I just replace the entire form using custom html?
Or, is there a way to do multi-page signups all in unbounce?
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thanks very much!