I have a funnel formed by 3 pages: A, B and C. They share the same Facebook Pixel code, tracking the page View, and are showing as implemented correctly.
- Page A : First page, where exists a form that submits its data to a Infusionsoft URL after clicking on the submit button.
- Page B : Second page, redirected after Infusion gets the data from the page A form.
- Page C: Third page, accessed by a link present in a email sent by Infusion, to the email address the user inserted in the page A form.
The issue is:
On Facebook Page View reports, all numbers make sense, having page A more accesses, followed by B and than C. In other words: A > B > C.
But when looking at the Facebook Ads report, page C have more accesses than B, creating this sequence of quantity: A > C > B.
By the way the funnel works, C should never have more acesses than B.
Any idea what is the cause of this? The problem lies on Unbounce, Infusionsoft, Facebook, or a combination of them?