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Hello hello!

I get some conflicting messaging on this from Unbounce documentation, so here it goes. 

Are users who reject some cookies from the consent banner included in the reporting of an AB test? You would expect that they wouldn’t, since UB can’t guarantee that they will be seeing the same variant etc but i read this in the FAQ’s. It would be great if someone can clarify!


How does consent impact Unbounce reporting? For example, if a visitor rejects or accepts consent?
For example, if your visitors reject the consistency cookie, the returning visitor will not see the same variant if they return to your page. Or rejecting the statistics means that counts for visitors and conversions will continue to increment, even for returning visitors

Hey @menia 👋🏻

I can’t say with certainty since I haven’t tested this, but my understanding is a visitor who rejected the cookies would still be included in the reporting on an A/B test. I recommend reaching out to our Support team to confirm!
