I cant add Form and cant find if there is any existing form on Page

  • 7 January 2019
  • 3 replies


I cant add a form and the form widget button is disabled. I can’t also find the element form on the page content, so seems to have no form yet on the page. Please see screenshot below.

I checked the content list and there is no form element in there,

Any help?

Thanks in advance!

3 replies

I’d definitely imagine that it was in a Lightbox somewhere. That row of tabs up top is kinda stealthy so it’s hard to notice it at first, but once you get the hang of the layout, you’re golden!

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi Gary,

Glad you found the issue.

Was there a form in a lightbox? This could sometimes be the case.



Seems I got what causing this. Thanks
