Hey, suppose I have the domain www.bestoffers. com and I would like to link it to unbounce.
Now, I want the domain to function like for example -
- bestoffers. com/get-the-food-on-offer
- bestoffers. com/get-the-phone
- bestoffers. com/get-the-gadget.
Those 3 are separate campaign landing pages that I want to connect to my domain like that so when people visit bestoffers. com/get-the-food-on-offer, they would be taken to the landing page that I created for food campaign. Similarly, when people visit bestoffers. com/get-the-phone, they should be taken to the phone campaign offer.
How do I do like that?
Currently, the domain that I want to do like that is integrated into WordPress. So, how do I proceed from here?
Looking for some guidance on this.
Thanks in advance,