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I would like a form to pop up when visitors hit my page or a few seconds afterwards. I have worked out how to create a pop up form triggered by a button, but I want it to happen automatically.

Hi James,

Take a look at this Jquery Addon, this is what I generally use. That should give you a starting point.

Alternatively you can use a small bit of JS - try this page for guidance

Or you can use JQuery command…

setTimeout(whateveryouwanttodo, delayinms);

Hope that helps a bit, if you’re already 3/4 of the way there which it sounds like you are, your best bet is to use the Jquery setTimeout and just load it with the page to trigger your popup. 



Hi Stuart,

Thanks so much for the reply.

I think I maybe gave the impression that I know more about this than I do!

I’m really after some more specific instructions - I don’t really have the first clue where to start 



Hi James, 

Stuart was right that a simple settimeout function should give you the result you want.

Just add the following to your page (it simulates a click after 2sec.):


Keep in mind that the ’ lp-pom-button-9’ would probably be different for your page. Just select your button and take a look at the id.

2000 is the delay in milliseconds. 2000=2sec, 3000=3sec and so on.

Last but not least, you should run a split test and measure how such an automatic popup affects your conversion rate.

Let us know when you get it working or if you have more questions.

Hi Hristian,

Thank you so much, I’ve got it working now!


Thanks Hristian,

I didn’t have chance to get back to look at this thread, it’s awesome that you were able to pitch in and get the next step done, nice to have someone around who can pitch in with a bit of script advice. Also a really good reminder, split test. Especially with popups/animations, even something as simple as the length of delay can have a noticeable effect on your conversion rates. 

Glad you got it working James 🙂



Hey James,

I’m happy you got it working. 

@ Stuart - no problem. I saw the question and decided to help a bit. I’m no developer but know enough to get things working. 




We’ve released a new feature into beta that allows you to build/launch your lightboxes directly within the page builder itself. This new release will allow you to add images, videos, forms and even scripts (such as Google Maps) to your lightboxes.

By default you won’t be able to pop them open unless a button is clicked, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to custom code a workaround for that. 

Go check it out and sign up for the beta  here

Hi Hristian,

It looks like your solution has been deleted. I’m currently trying to solve how to implement this on my page with using the lightbox feature.

Thanks in advance for your help!

– Emily

Hi Emily - we’ve now built this feature directly into Unbounce and are slowly enabling it in open beta on all accounts. If you don’t see “Embeddable CTAs” in the leftmost column in the Unbounce App, you can just head to labs to switch it on.

Check out this community post to see how it works »

Thanks, Ryan! I will check it out.
