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and then have the form confirmation go back to the main About page of my site?

Hi! Just started with Unbounce after hearing lots about it, and I love what it’s made so far. However, I’m having some trouble getting the right flow going.

Desired result:

  1. Visitor goes to my site,

  2. Visitor sees the Unbounce landing page (currently at

  3. Visitor signs up

  4. Visitor is redirected EITHER to page at or a custom thank you page

I followed the instructions here (…) to set up the custom domain, and also set up forwarding in my godaddy account to have my homepage go to that Unbounce landing page.

The problem was… the forwarding was at the domain level, so everything with as the root domain (such as would redirect to, which doesn’t exist.

I guess it’s a bit circular if I want my homepage to show the Ub landing page, and then for the homepage to show normal homepage content after signup, but that is the dream!

If it makes sense what I’m asking, can anyone offer guidance on the best way to set this up?

Thanks very much!

I have the same problem…

I would like to know the answer as well?

Hey all, unfortunately this isn’t *really* something Unbounce supports.

Typically you’d publish your Unbounce landing pages to a subdomain of your site, and use those pages for your PPC, email, social, webinar, ebook campaigns etc.

Your homepage is generally still meant to be it’s own thing…

However, there is a bit of a hack: You can publish your landing page and embed it onto your homepage in an iframe.

I haven’t tested it myself so I can’t guarantee it’ll work flawlessly, but I know of at least a few customers who iframe their landing pages on a regular basis.

Give it a shot and please, share your experience below.

You can use this plugin to do something close. You need to set up a page in WP that on click a user is taken to the unbounce page.

For example i have a landing page that lets people sign up for a free video course. The front page of my site shows an image that says something like.

‘Free course about X’ and a call to action saying ‘yes i want the course’ - when they click it they get taken to the unbounce page. If they click the no button they are redirected to my blog.

It leaves a cookie - so if someone returns who signed up (or didn’t ) they won’t see this page again.

So it’s a bit hacky - but it works wonders… i’m getting nearly 5 times as many sign ups as i was before i installed this.

Hope i explained this ok!…


I know unbounce was not meant to be for the homepage, it has disadvantages over seo for example, however, i think is still posible and the benefits will also be huge, our plan for Hosting Peru made in wordpress, will be to replace the default home page and a couple of more landing pages and then create or migrate the wordpress installation to a folder or subdomain, that way we can benefit from both tools.

The other disadvantage i think is the responsive design we can do in wordpress vs unbounce, im correct?

Hi Ivan - if you want to keep the rest of your pages on the same domain, iframing your Unbounce page into your homepage would be the only workable option at this point. One thing that I would warn about is that you wouldn’t be able to push Google Adwords ads directly to your homepage though, as they won’t let you use a destination URL that contains completely iframed content. That said, you shouldn’t be pushing ads directly to a homepage anyhow–that’s what landing pages are for.

If you move your existing Wordpress pages to a subdomain, then you could just host your Unbounce made homepage at your root domain and link it out to the appropriate Wordpress pages.

I’m curious about why you’re looking to set-up your homepage in Unbounce, Ivan. Can you share some more detail about what you’re looking to do?

thanks for responding, actually, we are doing it for our customer convenience, because is easy for him to create and modify via unbounce any page, at the beginning it looks like a good idea, so we tought in implementing it in our website , after discussing with the web developer and look at the code detail, it is definitely a bad idea, we will just continue with wordpress as the main page, thanks

Big News!

This is about to get much easier. We officially released a Wordpress Integration which will do exactly what you’re looking for quickly and easily. We also have over 125 WordPress-ready templates. See how easy it is to make a Wordpress landing page.

Check out the Official Community Announcement and install the plugin to get started. As always, we love to hear actionable feedback - so be sure to let us know what you think! 🙂

Hi there, 

i hope you all are fine. 

Question: I create a landing page with Unbounce, of course, and I tried to integrate it into my wordpress. The current status of the domain,in unbounce is : “Plugin setup requiered”, but when I installed plugin, and I click to “authorize with Unbounce” i obtain the following message: “Sorry, there was an error authorizing with Unbounce. Please try again.” I have tried few time since yesterday but it doesn’t work. 

Apparently, the domaing have been “successfully added” but it gives me 404 error. I don’t kwow what to do, any suggestion? 


Hello, I also have the same dilemma, I have just made an integration unbounce on my hosting peru solutions website and I cannot establish a connection through the wordpress plugin. In the case of the plugin, is it necessary to activate an SMTP configuration? I hope for help, thank you.

Hi @JuanCarlos

SMTP configuration has nothing to do with serving webpages since it’s related to your email configuration. 

If you are running into issues with the WordPress plugin, you might want to contact Unbounce support since they are better suited to take a look at your particular setup and help you troubleshoot it.  
