Help Please? Leadquizzes Says Tracking Code on Unbounce Not Verified...?

Hi 🙂
I’ve just joined Leadquizzes, and am trying to get it set up. I installed the tracking code on my Unbounce opt-in page, but when I enter the URL of that page to verify on Leadquizzes, it says: “Installation could not be verified, please confirm that the tracking code has been installed on this page.” - and I can’t seem to figure out why.
I’ve tried it several times. And it seems like it should be working…?
Here’s a screen shot:

Thanks in advance for any help and suggestions. 🙂

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Here’s something to try in order to troubleshoot: When you go to the live page, and you view the source code, do you see the leadquizzes script on there when you search for it?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Awesome, yeah, that narrows it down to their side. Good luck!

Ah, thanks v much, Nicholas - I’ve just checked, and I can’t see it there. What would be the next step?

Hello again 🙂
Just got some help, and apparently it is showing in the source code, so the problem must be Leadquizzes side. Thanks v much, Nicholas, for the suggestion. 🙂
