
Has anyone used Google ads conversion tracking with Unbounced? It's becoming a mess.

  • 12 January 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

Hello all,

So we have begun using unbounced and the headaches are starting to mount. Here is the problem:

We have 5 landing pages with different URL’s, similar, but ending differently. All we want is to be able to have Google conversion tracking work when the “Call now” button on a landing page is clicked, or when the “Contact us” form on the same is submitted. That’s it.

I have gone into Google ads, created a Google Tag, created 2 conversion actions, one for when a form is submitted and one for when a “click on call” number is clicked. Google then gave me some HTML code snippets to add in the HTML after the Google Tag that was installed via script manager.

Problem is, when I go to edit the tag in script manager, nothing happens. I asked CS about this and they said that’s how it’s supposed to be, but that I can install other scripts such as for the submit form button and the click on call button using the script manager. Problem is, all of our landing pages have different phone numbers and URL’s as stated above. So I did some further reading and Google says that you can just input the HTML code for the conversion tracking into the HTML of your page. Then I went to unbounced to try and figure out how to edit the HTML, and Unbounced says you can’t, and have to use the custom HTML button on the builder. But when I input this code on the page, all it does is give me a new button instead of pointing to the buttons already on the page.

This would be fine in theory, because I could just delete the old "Call now” and “Submit Form” buttons and replace them with those, but the issue is that Unbounced feeds Zapier, which in turn places the leads in our CRM, which then does other things. So if I use the “HTML Google buttons”, Zapier will no longer track form submissions.

I’m at my wits end and could really use some advice from others who have grappled with this. I’m not sure if I’m overstressed and not thinking straight and missing something obvious, or if it’s really this messy. Thanks.

2 replies

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Hi Devam,

I added a step-by-step guide here: 


Here's how to set up Google Ads conversion tracking for call clicks, form submissions, and other custom events on your Unbounce pages:

1. Choose Your Method:

You have two options:

  • Google Tag Manager (GTM): This is recommended for its flexibility and centralized management of tags.
  • Manual Code Snippets: This requires adding code directly to your Unbounce pages and is less flexible.

2. Set Up Your Conversion Actions in Google Ads:

  • Go to your Google Ads account and create new conversion actions for each conversion you want to track (call click, form submit, custom event).
  • Choose the appropriate conversion source (Website) and conversion category.
  • Define the value (optional) and counting method (one per click or session) for each conversion.

3. Implement Tracking on Unbounce:

A. Using Google Tag Manager:

  1. Install GTM in Unbounce: Follow Unbounce's instructions to add GTM to your account.
  2. Create Tags for Each Conversion:
    • Call Click Tracking: Use a "Click to Phone" trigger based on your call button and a Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag with your conversion action ID.
    • Form Submit Tracking: Use a "Form Submit" trigger based on your form and a Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag with your conversion action ID.
    • Custom Event Tracking: Use a "Custom Event" trigger based on your desired event (e.g., button click) and a Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag with your conversion action ID.
  3. Publish Your GTM Container: Ensure you publish the latest version of your container for changes to take effect.

B. Using Manual Code Snippets:

  1. Obtain Code Snippets: Get the conversion tracking snippet and event snippet(s) for each conversion from Google Ads.
  2. Add Snippets to Unbounce:
    • Global Tag: Add the conversion tracking snippet to the <head> section of all your Unbounce pages.
    • Event Snippets: Place the event snippet(s) on the relevant pages before the element triggering the event (e.g., before your call button or form).

4. Verify and Test:

  • Use Google Tag Assistant to ensure your tags are firing correctly.
  • Submit test leads through your forms and initiate test calls to verify conversions are recorded in Google Ads.

Additional Notes:

  • For enhanced conversions (capturing user data like email), use User-Provided Data Event tags in GTM or advanced custom code with manual snippets.
  • Refer to Unbounce's documentation for specific instructions based on your page builder (Classic or Smart Builder).
  • Consider seeking help from a developer if you encounter technical difficulties.

By following these steps, you can effectively track your Unbounce conversions in Google Ads and gain valuable insights into your campaign performance.

For more information, you can refer to the guide:

Google Ads Conversion Tracking: The Ultimate Guide for 2024:
