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As we all know Google Reviews and all reviews really are very important. That would be doubly so for my client base verticals. My question is this. Is there a good way to display Google Reviews on an Unbounce landing page. I can do it on a Wordpress landing page, which leads me in the direction of moving some of my landing pages back to WP. However WP has other limitations. Has anyone integrated Google reviews on an UB landing page in a dynamic way?

I too would love this feature. TripAdvisor would also be useful (their native widget is…unattractive)

I really need this.

There are many sites available on the SERP you can use that sites for Google review,



Hi @haltagg,

As Daniel mentioned, there are several websites that can show you how to do this, just search for “embed Google reviews on website”.

I haven’t tried this myself, but these are the steps most sites suggest:

  • Go to your Google+ business page

  • Click the share button in the bottom right hand corner of the review

  • Click “embed post” to get code

  • Copy and paste code into a custom HTML element on your page

IMO, I would select some quality reviews with some detail about your product and why it benefited them and design them on the page myself. This way you are in control of what content is displayed and you can design it to match the rest of your site so it is more cohesive.

Hope this helps!

Hi @Caroline

Thanks for your answer it will be helpful for me i think you are answer tips right,



TechTIQ Solutions,

Google+ business does not allow you to share reviews anymore.

Instead I used a third party to embed code.

It is called

I am sure you are an Unbounce Expert. But it that is what Unbounce Inc’s solution to reviews is then it is a terrible answer. How important are reviews to conversion rates? I will answer for you. VERY! I left Unbounce because of the reviews issue. I am hoping they have a solution so I can come back. There are many things about Unbouce that make it a fantastic tool. But a real landing page has to have reviews.

Hi @Cory_PSL!

Of course reviews on landing pages are very important! I never spoke otherwise. In addition, Unbounce has several articles on how important social proof is.

Would it be nice to have a feature that would feed in reviews dynamically? Yes, but reviews don’t all come from one place (although you could argue that most come from Google, I agree with that).

Where are you running into difficulties when adding reviews to your pages? Is your main issue using text boxes on the page vs a dynamic tool?

Hi @Caroline

I’m fairly new to Unbounce and wanted to see if this issue has been resolved?

Does Unbounce have a way to easily add FB and Google reviews to a landing page? The “embedding a Google+ post code” is not an option in these times, as Google+ doesn’t exist anymore.

The goal that we’re trying to accomplish is to have reviews dynamically fed into our LP from Google and FB. Does Unbounce have any integrations with Google’s API for GMB (Google My Business)reviews?

Hi @EdusMed

This is not something that Unbounce offers at the moment; however, there may be a widget out there that you can find on Google. I have not gone looking for one!

My personal opinion would be to select 2-3 good reviews that really reflect the benefit of your product or service and go into more detail and design a box around them to look just as though it was a widget (easy to do!).

While it may be unlikely for you to get a bad review, that could appear on your page if you have an integration like the one you mentioned. It is best to have more control over reviews in my opinion!

it works
