Full Screen Lightbox

  • 30 November 2017
  • 4 replies

Hello Guys,

I´ve tried too accomplish with “Inspect element” a fullscreen lightbox and not a pop-up.
Something like www.mixpanel.com have when you enter the Email and press “Get started”.

Thats a great solution they have made.
But how can I do that with a lightbox pop-up in Unbounce?

The site is https://www.sharespine.com/bli-aterforsaljare/ and if you press the “Skicka in intresseanmälan” the lightbox shows up.

4 replies

Hi there.
Has anyone found a solution for this?
I´d appreciate some support around it.

I’ve been able to accomplish similar with adjusting the stage for the lightbox. It looks as though mixpanel uses javascript to trigger the full page overlay

Wouldn´t it be a solution to try to CSS the whole pop-up as a fullscreen?
Tho it haven´t worked out yet for me.

That is also a possible solution, I’ve tried it before and haven’t found a way to make it work just yet. What have you altered in CSS so far?
