
Font Family isn't updating in CSS Style Sheet

  • 26 March 2024
  • 3 replies


I’ve been trying to create a style sheet for my landing page so that I can update all items from a same class at once.

I created the classes and added them to the style sheet. Things like color do update but for some reason anything related to fonts doesn’t update on the page (in preview and live modes).

I asked support for help but they told me to ask the community. Can anyone help?

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @fdecludt

Where are you hosting the fonts? 

Sometimes there are issues with CORS and fonts being blocked if your landing pages are on a subdomain. 

It would be helpful if you can post an example page so we can troubleshoot it for you.  


I'm experiencing a similar issue with my landing page style sheet. While color updates are working fine, font-related changes aren't reflecting on the page, neither in preview nor live modes. It's frustrating, isn't it?

I reached out to support, but they redirected me to the community for assistance. If anyone has encountered this before or has any insights, I'd greatly appreciate the help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hey @joekeron42

Same thing I responded to the original post - It would be helpful if you post a link to the page so we can take a look. 

80% of the time it’s a CORS issue. The rest of the time it’s the actual stylesheet and how it’s written. 

Both of these can be checked out in 10min if we can take a look at the page. 

If you don’t want to post a link on the forum, feel free to DM me here and I’ll take a look.  
