Facebook Browser issues

  • 23 August 2019
  • 3 replies

We use unbounce to market mainly on Facebook. Almost all our traffic will be coming from the Facebook platform and therefore they will visiting the landing page via the Facebook browser.

We have had feedback from users trying to obtain information, that the page is all jumbled up and distorted with text under images etc… When I check on chrome, it’s perfect. Doing some test in the office, we realized it’s the Facebook browser.

It’s almost like the CSS is not get pulled through. It also doesn’t happen on everyone’s Facebook browser. Perhaps it’s a problem with the font? Google’s Roboto?

So, how do I fix this? Code on the page to force CSS?
Alternatively is there some code I can put into the Facebook ads to force the ad to open the landing page in a different browser?

Thanks, we need to fix this ASAP as we are spending large amounts on marketing on Facebook.

3 replies

Hi @Digg

It was released on the 23rd, so you should try republishing the page and we’ve also heard of some customers having to add a fake param like “&test=1” just to get Facebook to refresh their cache the first time.



Hi Jordana

Thanks for the response.

Could you let me know when the fix was released. We did extensive testing on 22 August 19 and were able to replicate the problem on a Samsung Galaxy S10 through the facebook browser.

We’ll do some testing again today and I’ll feedback whether we still have the problem.


Hi @Digg

I am the Product Manager for the Content Builder - we recently released a fix for your issue, if I’m reading into it correctly, so hopefully it’s been resolved for you since you posted. However, if that’s not the case, the fastest way to resolve this is to reach out to our support team at support@unbounce.com and they can help debug this with you and properly escalate it to our developers if needed.

Hope that helps,

