Couldn't able to add credit card

  • 20 May 2017
  • 3 replies

Can some one help me how to add a visa credit card to the account? Have been trying for 3 days contacting the team but no response

3 replies

Hi Raghavendra! I’m part of the CS Team for Unbounce!

I’ve sent you a few emails, but I’m not sure they are landing in your inbox! Sometimes they slip into the junk folder, so I thought I’d reach out to you here as well just in case. I’ll DM you the same content I sent via email, feel free to reply there and I’ll be sure to check regularly 🙂

Have a great day, I look forward to hearing from you!

Hey there!
Not sure why you’re having an issue with this, but your best bet would be to contact our support team at: Thanks!

Have you tried online visa credit CardGenerator?
