Can you capture referrer information in a Convertable?

Guys, hi. I’m curious.

Imagine a visitor lands on my site and, after visiting 3 pages, converts in a Convertable. Can I easily do the following?

  • Capture all referrer information (that came when the visitor landed on the site).
  • Capture the URL on which the visitor has landed (with all parameters in the URL).

As UB definitely places a cookie (to be able to trigger the Convertable correctly), I believe that this could be done almost natively.

4 replies

HI Adrien - were you able to find documentation on this? I have the same issue and need to point our web developer somewhere to try and sort it out.

Userlevel 7
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Hi Adrien,

I don’t have any documentation handy but a quick Google search should point you in the right direction.
You need to look for localStorage rather than sessionStorage.

I’ve done a few of these scripts for clients so feel free to DM me but any front-end developer should be able to help you.


Hristian, thanks for your help on this. Question: Do you have any link and/or documentation about that topic? Or is it something only you can help with if I contract you for this task? Thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi Adrien,

You should be able to do it but you need to store the visitor’s data into their browser’s local storage. (Assuming they don’t change browsers/devices you should be OK.)

Upon form submission, you can fill said information into hidden fields within your form.

