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I’m curious to see if anyone has used Google Optimize to set up and run a redirect test with two different Unbounce pages. It would be great to understand what their experience has been so far and how they deployed the Google Optimize code in Unbounce.

In some cases, I’ve noticed there’s about a 0.5 - 1-second delay where the screen is completely white and a fraction of a second where it shows the control before swapping to the treatment. This behaviour could confuse users and possibly skew the test results which is a particular concern of mine. Slower connections and mobile seem to be affected the most. I would assume this is caused by where the page anti-flicker code can be inserted into the Unbounce page (i.e. - below all the inline CSS?).

In general, I am on the hunt for an A/B testing platform that works well with Unbounce, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Hi @mike22rtn!

Curious as to why you would want to add this extra layer. Is it because of the A/B reporting features of Google Optimize you want to do this?

At ConversionLab we let Unbounce do the A/B split and apply the built-in GA integration in UB.

In GA we have our conversions goals for the page set up and set up 2 different page segments showing e.g.



The benefit of doing this is that we can then drill down by traffic source, device, age, gender etc. to see which page variant is performing better.

Hi Finge,

Thanks for following up.

To answer your question about the extra layer, it partly has to do with how Google Optimize works (as you mentioned) and what I’m trying to accomplish. In the past, we have set up tests using Unbounce to make the A/B split while performing our analysis in GA. We found that we needed a bit more flexibility and features that a dedicated A/B testing tool could provide.

Hi Finge,

I love this idea! I’m struggling with the fact that Unbounce only offers 1 goal metric, so your setup sounds like exactly the type of thing I’m aiming for!

The two things I’m trying to track are -

  • Number of visits to the checkout page

  • Number of conversions/purchases

My expectation is that our tests might impact the number of people we get to the checkout to a statistically significant degree, but since we lose around 66% on the checkout page, we’d need A LOT more data to make a conclusion based on conversions.

Setting it up with both goals gives us the flexibility to track both and decide later which one we will use for our conclusion.

Could I ask if you have any ideas on how I might be able to set something like this up?? I imagine it should be pretty simple, but would be great to hear if you have any thoughts or ideas!

Thank you!


Hi @BenSwanson - apologies for the late reply. I will DM you with a description on how to set things up in Unbounce and GA for this.

Care to share how to install google optimize on unbounce?

The uses of google optimize + unbounce is to be able do A/B testing for an Unbounce landing page vs Homepage. If there are other ways to do this through Unbounce, I would like to learn how.

I think for now Google optimize is the most simplest way to do this.

The Google Optimize installation depends on a few things but generally you should be able to follow Google’s documentation. In my case, I installed the anti-page flicker script using the “Javascript” section in Unbounce while deploying the Optimize code through Google Tag Manager.

As far as testing your homepage vs. an Unbounce landing page, if you are using Google Ads or Facebook Ads (as an example) then you could use these ad networks to make the A/B test. Conversely, if you have full control over inserting code into your website then you could setup a Google Optimize on the website first then add the Unbounce landing page as the redirect variant. This would fix a lot of the issues I’ve documented above.

Let me know if you need anymore details.

Thanks a lot for the reply!

So the google documentation on installing Optimize was to input Optimize code into the GA code. Since I am using the automated GA integration on Unbounce, it doesn’t show the raw code where I can input the Optimize code.

I am wondering if I have to:

  1. deactivate the automated GA integration and manually put a global tag along with the optimize code onto each unbounce page.

  2. deactivate the automated GA integration and install GA through GTM which is already on Unbounce and do the same for my home page.

I am probably leaning towards doing 1 if there isn’t a way to edit the script manager auto GA within Unbounce.

I’m gonna play around with it right now. Thanks for your help!

Hey Mike,

I just figured it out. What I did was separate GTM+GA for Unbounce pages only while my own homepage is still global gtags and installed Optimize + GTM onto Unbounce.

Tag is firing properly and optimize container checked in GA.

Thanks again for your contribution!

Can you point me in the right direction too for how to set it up as well? Trying to set up Unbounce with a landing page that points to my Shopify checkout page directly and want to be able to track which landing page converts the best but don’t have the ability to do that with Unbounce.
