Hey everyone!
In the past, we’ve tested Smart Traffic but were disappointed by the results. For example, once turned on, our overall conversion rate for the page across all variants went down. There were no changes to our traffic sources and we didn’t see similar effects elsewhere so it didn’t seem to be seasonality: Smart Traffic was announcing “+x%” conversions but overall it was lower than before.
This was a while back and I assume that things have evolved.
I’d love to hear your experience and results using Smart Traffic.
I’m also curious if you’ve been able to use the Smart Traffic behaviour sets reporting to learn anything interesting and maybe apply learnings to optimise pages further or apply across other sections of your sites? This was one thing that I felt was missing initially, the absence of any data explaining what was actually working. (https://documentation.unbounce.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419499382676-Analyzing-Reports-from-Smart-Traffic-Behavior-Sets)