Registering OAuth Application


When you register OAuth Application with Unbounce, where does the client Id and secret go? Do they send them to the email or is it part of the response that goes to the call back url?

I do not have a way to setup call back url.

Is there any other way to capture the authorization code after we authorize the application with

3 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @venkat.polisetti,


Thanks for your message here in the Community.


Once you fill out the application registration form, we will send you an email with the client & secret. We will return the temporary auth code to your callback URL as mentioned in our OAuth docs - please see here and scroll down to ‘Using OAuth’ section (step 2)


Hope this helps to answer your question :-) 


Hi @Oliver_Lord,

Thank you for your reply.

I just need the oauth token to delete leads from the form once the lead is processed in our webhook.

Is there a way to send the temporary authorization code in the email along with the client id and client secret?

I do not have a way to set up a call back url.

Thanks again for your help here.


Userlevel 4

Hey @venkat.polisetti,


Due to the way OAuth works, it’s not possible to receive the temporary authorization code without setting up a callback url.


I checked in with our tech support team to see if there are alternatives. Have you tried using a service like Postman to act as a server to receive the authorization code?
