Could you help or point me in the right direction with an API question/issue?
In a nutshell, we’re calling the unbounce API successfully via curl like below. However, for a particular advertiser the form fill results stop at Feb 14, 2018 (50 leads) and we know they have newer leads that aren’t being returned by the API.
curl -u “XXXXXXXXXXXXX:” -X GET “https://api.unbounce.com/pages/620e1dc1-7bb9-4cb4-956e-e86fed9cb39d/leads?secure=true?limit=1000” >> leads.json
I tried adding a header with a version to the API call but it returns the same data.
curl -u " XXXXXXXXXXXXX:" -H “Accept: application/vnd.unbounce.api.v0.3+json” -X GET “https://api.unbounce.com/pages/620e1dc1-7bb9-4cb4-956e-e86fed9cb39d/leads?secure=true?limit=1000” > leads2.json