[Tips & Scripts] Creating a Fixed Header/Footer (aka Sticky Header)

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I usually add this javascript found on this documentation:


Afternoon! URGENT!!

I’m having some problems with the fixed header on mobile and tablet view: the header is cut from the frame as the screen is smaller.

How to make it mobile responsive? To make the header stretch out and in to fit on the screen on different devices.

Can someone help me with this? I’m new to coding.

Hi everyone. Any ideas why this wouldn’t work if the sticky element is inside a lightbox?


It loads in the right place when the lightbox opens, but then doesn’t scroll with the page.

This works great, but is there a way to have to nav disappear after the user scrolls a bit? Is there also a way to use jQuery twice on a page? This conflicts with another section (accordion) that also uses jQuery.

Trying to implement this. It’s not smooth scrolling like the sample. Also would like to make this header show after the user scrolls past the optin form.

Here’s the capture page: https://freesession.homeschool-teachers.com/freereport/

Followed the code provided in this thread v1.3.1.

Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

Userlevel 3

With the Header sticky, i can’t control default sticky bar.

Please check this, we need something like this

but i see something like this by default after setting up default Unbounce sticky bar

I did, something like this code in the Unbounce default sticky bar. But it doesn’t work

So let me know how can i make it possbile in Unbounce with the Fixed header sticky and Unbounce default sticky?

